Say it with me: Innovation is the driver of success. Don’t get left behind! 😉

Apple. Microsoft. Nike. Amazon. What do all these companies have in common? They’re ahead of the curve. If there’s a new idea, they execute it.📝

A new trend? They’re on top of it. If there’s one thing to learn from these brands, it’s that innovation is absolutely crucial not only to survive – but to be on TOP. Companies that get innovation right see a reward and those that don’t end up forgotten while getting lost in the ever-growing sea of competitors. 🌊

By applying these three strategies to your game plan, you can position yourself to disrupt the market: Build a power team. Innovation starts with the group of people that create it.

Listen to your target audience. Research-based decision making is important – from direct methods such as focus groups, to indirect methods such as search trends. Brands need to be engaging with customers to understand their needs when developing products and services. Lastly – staying agile. 🏃‍♂️

A Minimum Viable Product has just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback, reactions, and direction in regard to developing the product in the future. 👨‍💻

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